HOME SCHEDULE CLASSES NEWS ABOUT CONTACT CONTACT US LOCATION MEDIA Contact Get in touch858 284 0561 (call, text) info@balletinstituteSD.com 7868 Raytheon rd. San Diego, CA 92111 Instagram Facebook LET’S GET IN TOUCH Thank you for your interest in the Ballet Institute of San Diego, - school focused on quality of Dance Education and real benefits for our students. You are welcome to give us a call at 858 284 0561 or fill the information below and we will call you back, normally the same day. Note: fields marked with * must be filled out. Contact email * Contact phone * Parent name(s)* Age of the student, if applicable Message, if any OUR INSTAGRAMS Holliday is the best time for dreams to be born! @ December Nights. Thank you to everyone who gives o https://dancestudio-pro.com/tickets/balletinstitut Nutcracker Out of the BOX Premiere: December 15, Thank You, Ms. Katia, and thank You, @grandkyivbal Load More... See us on Instagram