HOME CLASSES NEWS ABOUT CONTACT CONTACT US LOCATION MEDIA Contact Get in touch858 284 0561 (call, text) info@balletinstituteSD.com 7868 Raytheon rd. San Diego, CA 92111 Instagram Facebook LET’S GET IN TOUCH Thank you for your interest in the Ballet Institute of San Diego, - school focused on quality of Dance Education and real benefits for our students. You are welcome to give us a call at 858 284 0561 or fill the information below and we will call you back, normally the same day. Note: fields marked with * must be filled out. Contact email * Contact phone * Parent name(s)* Age of the student, if applicable Message, if any OUR INSTAGRAMS Congratulation Younger student Summer Intensive wi It is wonderful to witness new dance company being Everyone student can do the progress in one week! Some exercises better than others #balletexercise Thank you everyone @anishkatia @eglespokaite @dev Load More... See us on Instagram